A section from LOST TRACK New Zealand
In this final section of LOST TRACK New Zealand Torren Martyn rides a 7’6” channel bottom twin fin across a cascading open ocean right hander.
Murray Paterson describes how his band Headland sought inspiration from the surf footage and majestic landscapes captured by filmmaker Ishka Folkwell when they composed the original score for the film.
“The track was basically recorded live in the studio. We had been working on the LOST TRACK New Zealand soundtrack for a while and knew that we needed something approaching “epic” for this last sequence. Getting the pace of the music to suit the wave-riding was crucial. I went to my exquisite team of Brock Fitzgerald (drums) and Kenny Gormly (bass) - the three of us are surfers so we naturally lean towards the rhythm of that sequence, particularly with Torren’s intuitive style. I also went straight for my trusty EHX Stereo Memory Man ‘tape delay’ but as is the way with vintage gear it was full of crackles and pops that day. There was another delay pedal in the studio but I found that it too was broken: you couldn’t adjust the speed of the delay for some reason. Fortunately the delay-time it was stuck on was perfect for the feel of the sequence! Once the film was locked off I overdubbed some long electric guitar feedback and some Cello then Lucy Lillian added the violin. The strings give the music a majestic feel that I reckon matches the surfing to a T. It is simply named 'Belle Epoch' after the delay pedal that is at its core”.
The Headland original LOST TRACK New Zealand soundtrack is available for purchase here. If you haven’t seen the full film check it out here.