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SurfAid Not-For-Profit Wax

Sale price$4.00 USD

needessentials SurfAid Not-For-Profit Wax is an eco-friendly organic blend high-performance wax made from renewable resources, including vegetable-based ingredients and natural coconut oil scent. The label is a recycled paper that is printed with soy-based ink. The wax comes in 3 different blends to suit a variety of water temperatures.

All profits from the sale of the wax will be donated directly to SurfAid, to assist  improving the health, wellbeing and self-reliance of remote communities in Indonesia and the Solomon Islands. We admire the SurfAid model, particularly the way the organisation works with, and in support of, communities in the wave-rich regions we love to visit to implement programs including mother and child health; water and sanitation; combating malaria; growing nutritious crops to lower malnutrition; community health centres; education and health support. 

Water temperature recommendations for needessentials SurfAid Not-For-Profit Wax:

Warm - 20ºC to 29ºC

Cool  -   16ºC to 22ºC

Cold -    10ºC to 18ºC 

Use this wax and go surfing – it’s an easy way to contribute to SurfAid’s valuable work. 
*If you are interested in learning more about SurfAid this interview we did with its founder Dr Dave Jenkins gives perspective about the not-for-profit aid organisation he founded in October 1999 after a fateful boat trip in the Mentawais.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 7 reviews
      Kristian Rollinson

      Great wax

      Paul Clancey
      SurfAid Not-For-Profit Wax

      Using in December west coast Vic. Better than I expected. Have now switched from big name brand to this product. Very happy.

      Mal Robertson
      Not for profit wax

      Good wax good cause

      James Martyr

      Does what it needs to do and it benefits surfaid. Win win

      Bryony Panetta

      spot on👍🏽
